Okay, well it will be 1/3 at 3am, but I’m counting it cause I’ve gotten 3 days down! Woo! Today wasn’t so bad, again though I REALLY wanted some food by about 8 o’clock. It’s textures that I miss the most. But I need to keep going so I can prove to myself that a) I can do this, and b) food doesn’t have to be in control of me.

The scale this morning was down another couple of pounds today putting me at 297 for a total of 7 lbs so far. Tomorrow I plan on starting going to the gym as well as the juice fast. I had a lot of energy earlier today and was thinking about going to the gym then but didn’t feel like going because I was dreading going to school and didn’t want to add something else to the list of things to do. As far as side effects I was pretty good today. My knees were a little sore earlier and my brain was a little foggy while I was at class. Nothing major but I had some troubles doing some relatively simple math in my head, something I usually don’t stumble on so much. I guess if that’s the worst my “brain fogginess” gets then I’m doing pretty good.