Who, what, where, when, why and how.  I’m going to discuss those here covering everything from what I’m doing and why the hell I’m making a blog about it.

I’ll start simple.  I’ve decided to do a 10 day juice fast.  I’m going to live off of only juiced fruits and veggies. (And drinking lots of water)  Why in the world would I ever want to do such a thing?  Well there are many reasons and I’ll get to those in a second.  Firstly some history on myself.

I’m a big guy, ever since I was 6 years old I’ve been bigger than most everyone else in size and height.  At 7 years old I was 5ft tall and 110 lbs.  I grew fast until I was 16 when I (luckily) quit growing for the most part and I graduated high school at somewhere between 6’1″ – 6’3″ and 315 lbs. (tall people rarely know how tall they are exactly, we leave those trivial points to short people 🙂 ) I have wide shoulders and a huge rib cage and I’m just big.  Most people are surprised to hear that I weigh over 300 lbs. I truly feel that if I was down around 220 or so I would actually be too skinny to be healthy given my skeletal structure and muscle content.  That being said I’m nowhere near 220 usually hovering right around 300 sometimes dropping down to 285 or so and climbing up to 315 during periods of no exercise.

Why a juice fast?  Well 6 months or so ago my wife and I watched the Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead documentary on Netflix and it caught our interest.  We then went out and bought a juicer, I always wanted one anyway and love kitchen gadgets so it wasn’t a hard sell for me to agree to get one.  Then my wife did the same 10 day fast/detox that I’m planning.  I wanted to do it at the same time but I was working and my job is VERY physical and I need to make sure that I have the energy to do it properly, especially since it can be quite dangerous so being groggy and hungry could prove…. dangerous.

Now I’m not working and we have enough money so I’m going to finally do this.  All that being said it didn’t at all explain why I’m doing this.  There are a few reasons.  Most of which is that my eating habits and my attitudes toward food are just not good.  I eat a lot of sugary foods and I am very much an emotional eater, I also eat simply because I’m bored and I want something to do with my hands.  Basically if there is a bad habit regarding food I am probably guilty of it.  So, while the juice fast is a good way to lose weight quickly my main goal is to try and rearrange my eating habits and learn how to eat better.  The last reason is that I just don’ feel that great.  I noticed after Thanksgiving that I just don’t feel “good” after eating, I feel wrong and overly full and like I just don’t like myself.  That’s no way to live so I’m trying to change it.

The blog.  I like blogs, I like them a lot for things, and since I know this is going to be pretty difficult I am making a blog to chronicle my journey.  This isn’t necessarily because I think anyone will find it interesting or even read it.  In fact I doubt anyone has made it this far.  I am doing it for accountability and my own piece of mind. If I write down what I’m thinking and how I’m doing then it will make it easier for me.  It will also give me a place to whine and bitch about it when it’s difficult without having to take it out on my wife who doesn’t deserve that.  And if I’m too much of a pain in the ass she will probably just taunt me by making my favorite food or something to get even. 🙂

There, first blog post done! If you’re wondering about “where” the answer is… HERE!  Also I will be trying to frequent the forum on jointhereboot.com (name is robofriven over there) especially if/when it gets difficult.  Hopefully from here on out they won’t be quite this long but I have a tendency to be kind of verbose so I make no promises.

Alright, so this is all starting at midnight, so in a little less than 4 hours I’ll have 240 hours of no solid food for the first time since I started eating solid food.  Wish me luck!